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@est 你应该好好看看 nignx 文档:“ If a server is the only server for a listen port, then nginx will not test server names at all (and will not build the hash tables for the listen port). However, there is one exception. If a server name is a regular expression with captures, then nginx has to execute the expression to get the captures.”
2016-12-04 21:36:00 +08:00
回复了 vtoexsir 创建的主题 Python 各位高手请看看怎么规避 Python2 中诡异的字符转义?
@omg21 源是错的,没法加,
2016-12-04 19:56:13 +08:00
回复了 vtoexsir 创建的主题 Python 各位高手请看看怎么规避 Python2 中诡异的字符转义?
可以加上个 r 、含义是: raw ,原始字符串,例如: pth= r'D:\mytemp\lunwenfcache\convert\20160907'
正如楼上所说,路径要用正斜线, windows 也是支持的, windows 当初在 dos 时代用反斜线就是一大败笔。。。
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