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V2EX  ›  pdr1024  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  6
2020-03-20 17:28:55 +08:00
回复了 licoycn 创建的主题 Apple 触控板汗液的问题
2019-12-12 14:53:05 +08:00
回复了 TRIKING 创建的主题 程序员 第三方微博客户端尺素因法务威胁下架 大家怎么看
@v2vTZ 主要是一次性买断就不存在后续薅羊毛了,毕竟一个活跃用户产生的效益要比一次买断的钱多得多,再不济还能从广告主身上撸不少钱。
2019-12-06 17:27:48 +08:00
回复了 luoway 创建的主题 奇思妙想 未来游戏可能分为平民游戏和土豪游戏
2019-11-22 17:42:51 +08:00
回复了 foreverstandbyu 创建的主题 问与答 新租的房子有一条网线 如何确定是谁家的宽带呀
2019-09-10 17:29:26 +08:00
回复了 Renco 创建的主题 程序员 刚毕业工作,分 24 期买一个苹果值得吗
我在闲鱼上买的翻新的那种 ThinkPad E580 i7 8550u,8g,256。花了 3800,自己加了 8g 内存和一块硬盘。16g 内存用来开发完全足够了,而且 Win10 也支持 Ubuntu 命令行了。
2019-06-01 20:27:08 +08:00
回复了 crazybug 创建的主题 服务器 AlphaRacks 跑路了?
We at AR completely understand that this situation has affected you as well as us.

We are still waiting for a reply from our DC Quadranet about this. We have seem to lost contact with them due an internal dispute in QN.

We are not owned by a former or actual employee from QN.

There is some info in the web about a criminal investigation or something like, about this we are not so sure about it. But what it's true is that our DC has locked our servers. So we dont have access thru VNC, SSH... nothing. We have tried to recreate nodes or instances and for now its not possible.

So, for now its all the info i have, i'm sorry i can't provide you more info since i'm at the sales department, but i'm turning this ticket to our support deparment so one of our tech guys will update you further and perhaps provide you more info that the one i can bring you.

This is all i can do, hope you understand that this is out of my support scope.

Best regards.
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