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V2EX  ›  zhangF161435  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  1
2022-12-12 13:03:22 +08:00
回复了 RedBeanIce 创建的主题 Java [chatGpt 在回复问题上与百度谷歌的区别]
@ophark 用英文 Wakanda 就可以

Q:where is Wakanda
A:Wakanda is a fictional country featured in Marvel Comics. It is the home of the superhero Black Panther, and is located in the fictional region of Africa known as "The East African Savannah". Wakanda is a technologically advanced nation that is hidden from the rest of the world, and is known for its abundant supply of the rare and valuable metal known as vibranium. The capital of Wakanda is the city of Birnin Zana. Because Wakanda is a fictional country, it does not exist in the real world.
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