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VMware 上海招高级/资深前端工程师

  •   starandtina · 2014-07-17 17:15:36 +08:00 · 3495 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3747 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    About VMware

    VMware is the leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure solutions that enable our 500,000+ enterprise and mid-market customers to thrive in the Cloud Era by simplifying, automating and transforming the way they build, deliver and consume IT. We enable people and organizations by radically simplifying IT through software virtualization with a focus on three core missions: End-User Computing (EUC), Hybrid Cloud and Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC).

    Get connected to an engine of opportunity fueled by the transformative products and solutions we bring to market, the passion and trust we inspire in our customers, and our collaborative drive to imagine, define and deliver the future of IT. With 13,000+ employees and 50+ locations worldwide, we are passionately driven to make an impact while contributing back to the community. Learn more at vmware.com/careers today!

    VMware Shanghai

    Our Shanghai office is located in the Yangpu District, near Fudan University. We’ve recruited the smartest and most talented engineers from around China, with representation from notable universities like Fudan and Nanjing, and alumni from Tudou.com, Microsoft, Baidu, and EMC.

    Job Description

    We are seeking a brilliant and passionate Senior Software Engineer, who will build highly-usable and visually brilliant GUIs for VMware’s next-generation hybrid cloud platform (vCHS). This engineer will use best-of-breed open-source frontend technologies to build a management portal used by vCHS customers all over the world.

    The ideal candidate is a self-motivated Web Frontend engineer who has a strong foundation in User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design. Rock-solid coding and debugging skills are a must.

    • Expertise with frontend technologies (HTML/CSS/JS)
    • Expertise with frontend frameworks for JS + CSS (Angular, Backbone, Sass, etc.)
    • Solid intuition about human-centric design
    • Solid background in Computer Science
    • Proven troubleshooting experience
    • Prior experience designing and building complex web frontends
    • Familiar with Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), databases, and networking
    • Familiar with Agile, Scrum, and TDD
    • Excellent communication skills in Chinese and English, 5+ years of experience
    • Positive team attitude, happy to help others, learn, and take on new challenges

    公司:VMware 月薪:25k ~ 38k 地点:上海
    如果有兴趣,请发简历至[email protected].
       2014-07-18 13:12:37 +08:00
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