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求翻译帝 HTTP 协议 801 是什么错误

  •   shylocker110 · 2015-03-31 21:53:45 +08:00 · 3846 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3497 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    8xx Errors

    These errors result from violations of the underlying HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The crawler expects all responses it receives to conform to the HTTP protocol and will typically throw an exception when encountering a protocol-violating response.

    As with 1xx and 2xx errors, these errors generally indicate a badly-misconfigured site that you must fix before it can be crawled effectively.

    801 Response for home page violated HTTP

    If Moz cannot meaningfully interpret a site's response as HTTP, we return an 801 error unless a more specific code is possible. An 801 error indicates a clear protocol violation, but not which aspect of the response violated HTTP.

    Typically, 801 errors are related to issues with the headers or the status line of the HTTP response. Some examples include:

    Missing status lines, headers, or both: Our crawler attempted to interpret a header line as a status line, or a batch of HTML as a set of headers.
    Badly mangled headers or status lines. Status lines have missing or non-numeric status codes; headers contain control characters; etc.
    These responses violate Internet standards and make a site virtually impossible to crawl. To resolve 801 errors, make sure your site's HTTP responses conform to accepted standards.

    1 条回复    2015-03-31 22:35:37 +08:00
       2015-03-31 22:35:37 +08:00
    説的應該不是 HTTP協議,而是這個Moz的蜘蛛吧,所以這個801不是HTTP status code
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