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centos+nginx+php 安装 edusoho 出现 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error 错误;请懂的稍微指点一二.......

  •   scholarnet · 2015-08-30 14:58:53 +08:00 · 3660 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3341 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    具体 error 如下,安装源码不存在问题(其他人测试可以安装), curl 也检查,已经打开。

    error :
    2015/08/28 01:06:07 [error] 1333#0: *22 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Topxia\Service\Common\ServiceException' with message 'truename error!' in /a/domains/xxxxxxxx/public_html/edusoho/src/Topxia/Service/Common/BaseService.php:72
    Stack trace:
    #0 /a/domains/xxxxxxxxn/public_html/edusoho/src/Topxia/Service/User/Impl/UserServiceImpl.php (437 ): Topxia\Service\Common\BaseService->createServiceException ('truename error!')
    #1 /a/domains/xxxxxxxx/public_html/edusoho/web/install/start-install.php (351 ): Topxia\Service\User\Impl\UserServiceImpl->register (Array )
    #2 /a/domains/xxxxxxxx/public_html/edusoho/web/install/start-install.php (166 ): SystemInit->initAdmin (Array )
    #3 /a/domains/xxxxxxxx/public_html/edusoho/web/install/start-install.php (20 ): install_step3 ()
    #4 {main}
    thrown in /a/domains/xxxxxxxx/public_html/edusoho/src/Topxia/Service/Common/BaseService.php on line 72" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: xxxxxxx, request: "POST /install/start-install.php?step=3 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/dev/shm/php.sock:", host: "edu.scholarnet.cn", referrer: "http://xxxxxxxxx/install/start-install.php?step=3"
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