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『在项目中添加 ReactiveCocoa』

  •   yh4801480 · 2015-09-09 20:45:40 +08:00 · 2779 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3328 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa 下载

    github 上方法:

    To add RAC to your application:

    1.Add the ReactiveCocoa repository as a submodule of your application ’ s repository.
    2.Run script/bootstrap from within the ReactiveCocoa folder.
    3.Drag and drop ReactiveCocoa.xcodeproj, Carthage/Checkouts/Box/Box.xcodeproj and Carthage/Checkouts/Result/Result.xcodeproj into your application ’ s Xcode project or workspace.
    4.On the “ General ” tab of your application target ’ s settings, add ReactiveCocoa.framework, Box.framework and Result.framework to the “ Embedded Binaries ” section.
    5.If your application target does not contain Swift code at all, you should also set the EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT build setting to “ Yes ”.

    关于第 1 步首先你得有个 git ,给自己的工程创建一个 git
    $ git init   
    $ git submodule add https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.git external/ReactiveCocoa
    $ git add .gitmodules external/ReactiveCocoa
    $ git commit -m "Add ReactiveCocoa as a submodule"

    后续补充使用 cocoaPods 添加

    关于 ReactiveCocoa 入门两个教程:
    1. http://benbeng.leanote.com/post/ReactiveCocoaTutorial-part1
    2. http://benbeng.leanote.com/post/ReactiveCocoaTutorial-part2

    这样好用的 ReactiveCocoa ,根本停不下来:

    1 条回复    2015-09-09 21:22:10 +08:00
       2015-09-09 21:22:10 +08:00
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