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Zend Guard Run-time support missing!--How to fix this question?

  •   theKingOfTerrors · 2015-11-13 14:10:47 +08:00 · 2157 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3267 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    我的 PHP 版本是 5.6 ,这是项目的首页,我想问一下,怎么解决这个问题?不想重新 PHP ,有没有好的解决办法??

    Zend Guard Run-time support missing!

    One more more files on this web site were encoded by ZendGuard and the required run-time support is not installed orproperly configured.

    For the Web site user

    This means that this Web server is not configured correctly to runthe files that it contains. Please contact the Web site'sadministrator/webmaster and inform them of this problem and give themthe URL you are trying to display to help them in diagnosing theproblem.

    For The Site Administrator/Web Master

    One or more files on your site were encoded with Zend Guard. Thismay be third party libraries that were provided to you by an ISV. Toallow these files to properly run you need to download and installone of the Zend guard run-time libraries. This is either ZendOptimizer or Zend Loader. The proper files can be downloaded fromhttp://www.zend.com/guard/downloads.This software is provided free of charge.

    General Disclaimer: Zend Technologies is not responsible tothe configuration and setup of web sites using Zend Guard technology.Please contact your software vendor if these components were providedby an ISV or consult your Zend Guard Users Guide if these files wereencoded by your organization.

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