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  •   jianyunet · 2015-12-20 15:12:06 +08:00 · 5704 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3227 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Hey <...>

    I work for G2 Crowd, a user review site for business software. I noticed on GitHub that you have used Ansible in the past.

    Ansible is underrepresented in G2 Crowd's Build Automation category, and I was wondering if you would review it within a week or so, as I need to collect review data for an upcoming report on the category. Alternatively, if you don't use it, it would be really helpful to know so I can continue searching for users.

    Link to write a review: https://www.g2crowd.com/contributor/github-offplay-ansible?rewards=true

    When your review is verified, will send you a $15 Amazon gift card code via email, and anyone with the link qualifies so feel free to forward it if you'd like.

    Additionally, we are also looking for reviews of GitHub, and are offering a $5 gift card for these reviews - https://www.g2crowd.com/contributor/Github-Odesk-Github?rewards=true

    Thanks so much for the help!
    -Levi Olmstead
    -G2 Crowd
    2 条回复    2015-12-20 21:22:25 +08:00
       2015-12-20 15:17:55 +08:00

    Hi ...,

    I work for G2 Crowd, a user review site for business software. I came across your profile on GitHub when I was searching for Docker users and was curious whether you could share a little of your expertise.

    Docker is currently underrepresented in G2 Crowd's virtualization category, and I'm trying to expand it by collecting reviews from actual developers and users like yourself.

    I was wondering if you would review the software you currently use, as I need to cut review data for an upcoming report on the category.

    Link to write a review: https://www.g2crowd.com/contributor/docker-off-e?rewards=true

    As a thank you, we will send you a $15 Amazon gift card in exchange for a review via email. Anyone with the link qualifies, so feel free to forward it to colleagues.

    As professionals working with virtualization software are likely to use multiple tools, feel free to leave multiple reviews.

    Here's the link to the category page so you can do that: https://www.g2crowd.com/contributor/vdi-off-e?rewards=true
    If you have any questions at all, feel free to shoot me an email back. And thanks for reading this rather long-winded email.

    -Jed Fudally

    If you feel uncomfortable replying with an email to say you aren't interested, I completely understand — you can use THIS LINK and I won't follow up if I'm still looking for reviews in a couple of days.
    -- JF69-164
    Jed Fudally JF69-164
    G2 Crowd - Content Specialist JF69-164
    1770 1st St. #200a, Highland Park, IL 60035 $%I

    Hi ...,

    I ’ m sorry to bother you with another email, but I ’ m trying to gather Docker reviews for G2 Crowd. Would you be able to review Docker on our site?

    We still need a few more reviews so we are rewarding each review with a $15 Amazon gift card.

    Link: https://www.g2crowd.com/contributor/docker-off-e?rewards=true

    We're gathering review data for an upcoming report on various virtualization tools, so we'd love to hear any feedback you have.

    We're also in desperate need for VMware Horizon reviews. We've increased the reward amount to a $25 Amazon gift card in exchange for a review of VMware Horizon. Here's the link: https://www.g2crowd.com/contributor/vmwarehorizon-off25-e

    If you don't use VMware Horizon, but know someone who does, send them the link and let me know who you referred. They will get the $25 gift card for the review, and you will get one too for the referral.

    Feel free to reply with any questions, and thanks for fielding a second email.
    Jed Fudally

    If you feel uncomfortable replying with an email to say you aren't interested, I completely understand — you can use THIS LINK and I won't follow up if I'm still looking for reviews in a couple of days.
    -- JF69-164
    Jed Fudally JF69-164
    G2 Crowd - Content Specialist JF69-164
    1770 1st St. #200a, Highland Park, IL 60035 $%ID
       2015-12-20 21:22:25 +08:00
    做完调查我的确拿到了 15 刀啊,批发么很正常
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