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[wecash 闪银] [海外巴西事业部] 招 [ Java 开发工程师]

  •   liuyuanyuan · 2018-08-10 11:28:13 +08:00 · 1644 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2264 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    About Wecash Brazil

    Founded in 2017, Wecash Brazil is an Brazilian Fintech company with international background. Combining finance, AI, big data and machine learning capabilities, Wecash Brazil can provide faster and better credit evaluation and loans underwriting service. The company also unites Wecash Group ’ s best practice in global market and local market know- how to enable a better living for Brazilian consumers through responsible and convenient credit.

    Wecash Brazil has achieved several major milestones, such as built Sao paulo office to a strong team with a good mix of youth and experience from technology companies and financial institutions, and launched beta version online Wecash App. The company continues to hire aggressively across all functions while drawing up plans to expand its service to more than 2 million customers in Brazil by the end of 2018.

    About Wecash Group

    Headquartered in Beijing and founded in March 2014, Wecash is an international leading tech enablement platform. As China ’ s 1st credit enabler, Wecash has developed 100% automatic credit assessment engine enabled by strong AI and machine learning capabilities.

    By the end of March 2018, Wecash has more than 700 employees across its offices in China, United States, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and India. Over 60% employees are in tech team. The core team members are from well-known companies including Goldman Sachs, Google, Amazon, Tencent, etc.

    The company has raised more than US$200 million in financing over 4 rounds ( main investors including IDG Capital, SIG, Orix ) acquiring more than 80 million users in global market and underwriting loans in excess of USD 7 billion since 2014.

    About Wecash Values

    Wecash 9 Core Values decides what kind of people we will work together and how these people make achievements We share the mutual values as followings
    1.Long term greedy 2.Computational thinking 3.AB test, best solution wins
    4.Think deep before you do it, do it before you 100% know it 5.Dig the fundamental, be flexible
    6.Open minded, anti-chaos
    7.Be honest, be straight-forward 8.Work hard, play harder 9.Stay curious, stay fresh

    Java 工程师


    1、参与产品需求分析, 研究产品技术细节;根据产品需求编写相应的技术文档;





    2、2 年以上 Java 开发经验,熟悉 Java 语法,熟练掌握集合、多线程、反射、代理、GC 等;

    3、熟悉常用的开发框架及原理,如:spring、mybatis 等;

    4、至少完整参与 1 个以上 Web 项目开发;

    5、至少熟悉一种数据库,熟悉 Tomcat 等 J2EE 应用服务器;

    6、熟悉消息队列、缓存技术( Redis )应用开发;

    7、熟悉 Linux 环境开发,熟悉常用 SHELL 命令;



    有兴趣的朋友欢迎投递简历至 [email protected]
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