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We are seeking for a senior software engineer

  •  1
  •   zhuoqunzheng · 2019-03-22 09:11:46 +08:00 · 937 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2045 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    We are seeking someone with 5+ years of software engineering and architecture experience, who is willing to work as part of a team that is developing the new technology we proudly offer to our clients. This is an incredible opportunity to enter a fun and bustling environment, explore an emerging industry, and rise to every encountered challenge.

    Position Description:

    • Unlimited energy to get things done, exceptional coding skills and good work ethics.
    • Design and develop server programs for machine learning, ETL, etc..
    • Develop cutting edge software for our cloud computing platform
    • Generate and maintain design documentation.
    • Work closely and work as a technical leader with a highly skilled, multidisciplinary team of engineers
    • The most important responsibility is the complete technical support of the project from the moment of inception, through product release, to development of enhancements: ● Identifying business requirements and requirements of the stakeholders on the project ● Designing the entire system based on the received requirements ● Choosing the system architecture and each individual component of this system at a high level ● Choosing the technologies for the implementation of each component and connections between the components ● Architectural review ● Code-review ● Writing project documentation and its support ● Creating unified development standards in the company ● Controlling the architecture during the next iteration of the system release

    Additional responsibilities: correct use of the architecture; timing and deadline; synchronization of the software with the system architecture; performance quality control; inputs to issues like the tool and environment selection; interaction with management and stakeholders; disputes and tradeoffs; technical problems; the plan for evolutionary paths; the plan for new technology insertion; management of risk identification and risk mitigation strategies associated with the architecture.


    • Amazing programming skills: Python(required)
    • Has done software architecture before
    • Familiar with unix shell scripting.
    • Strong communication skills
    • Must speak English


    • Machine Learning expertise
    • 10X Coding Ability
    • Serverless/GCP and Azure functions/GCP and Azure App Services knowledge

    The salary can be negotiated.

    第 1 条附言  ·  2019-03-22 15:46:48 +08:00
    Guangdong Province Shenzhen City Nanshan District
       2019-03-22 10:19:39 +08:00 via Android
    Unlimited energy to get things done, exceptional coding skills and good work ethics.
    lz 不说位置招人也太随意了吧
       2019-03-22 15:47:58 +08:00
    哈哈 因为刚建。不好意思 谨遵教诲
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