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[上海,外资支付巨头, Java 开发、Database、Network、Software Engineering Manager] 前沿技术,薪资丰厚,欢迎联系我微信: 934342311

  •   LucyZhang · 2020-03-10 17:27:39 +08:00 · 922 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1687 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Software Engineering Manager   You’ll lead and mentor other engineers to drive both technology and product innovation through rapid prototyping and iterative development. • Minimum of 10+ years' hands-on experience developing software with 4+ years in FinTech • Strong team building and managing experience • Experience in architecture, design and implementation of Financial Systems/Platforms such as Core Banking, Back-end Payment Hubs, Financial reconciliation and reporting

    MTS2,Senior Database Engineer

    Database team is responsible for fulfilling all database infrastructureneeds of PayPal China. This includes new database builds, database support, database engineering, deploying schema changes to production databases whilemaintaining DB availability targets, implementing security policies, managingPP development databases, working on various NoSQL implementations andscripting to automate.

    Technical Skills:Experience in Oracle DB, experience in NoSQL and MySQL, good English

    Senior Java Application Platform Engineer   As a platform engineer you will be responsible to enhance developer experience and build out application platforms/tooling using container-based technologiesfor applications, real-time stream, batch processing and analytics. This role will take on challenges of scaling and supporting various functions using cutting-edge technology.

    Technical Skills:Java, K8S,Docker,Kafka,RabbitMQ, Redis, Nats,Oracle,Mysql

    Senior Network Engineer

    You'll be monitoring and supporting for network and network security equipment, WAN circuit troubleshooting, and handling proactive and reactive outagesdirectly and by working with our vendors. • Experience in Leaf Spine •  Experience in VxLan •  Experience in Data Center Operation & Maintenance •  Experience in Script language as Python will a plus •  Good communication skill

    1 条回复    2020-03-10 18:11:03 +08:00
       2020-03-10 18:11:03 +08:00
    PayPal ?
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