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PayPal 招 资深大数据工程师 啦 - 技术栈: Spark, Scala, Java , Python 等

  •   MPAmber · 2020-10-27 14:27:12 +08:00 · 2113 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1455 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    加入 PayPal 是什么样的体验?

    • 轻松愉快的工作氛围,众多优秀以及 nice 的小伙伴 • 超长的假期 —— 每年 15 天年假起,每工作满 1 年加一天(最多 20 天);除此以外,工作满 5 年还将获得额外的 4 周带薪假期!以及 15 天带薪病假等等等。 • 包容、多元以及国际化的公司文化 • 市值 2000 亿美元,全民持股,股票激励,薪酬不输 996 公司的“福报”。work-life balance,生活不应只有加班。

    PayPal 的大数据组会做什么?

    At PayPal Global Data Science(GDS) team, we develop machine learning platform and AI applications to improve PayPal’s global business. Machine learning and AI is one of the core competitive advantage of PayPal, which significantly reduced payment risk loss, brought million dollars’ revenue and expanded to multiple domains rapidly. As an engineer in GDS, you will work closely with analytical team, understand the requirement with cutting-edge algorithm, contribute to the core platform, make the research work to a real product. We are looking for strong technologists who are passionate to solve machine learning problems and able to continuously deliver AI solutions in scalable way.


    Qualifications • BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science or related technical discipline (or equivalent). • 8+ years’ work experience in software development area with at least 5+ years’ experience in Java programming. • Excellent understanding of computer science fundamentals, data structures, and algorithms. • Excellent problem solving skills, can triage and resolve critical tech issues without supervision. • Expertise required in object-oriented design methodology and application development in Java. • Experience in big data technology such as Hadoop/Spark/Pig/HBASE/Streaming • Mastering at least one scripting language such as Unix Shell/Python/Perl/JS • Hands on web application development skill (HTML5/CSS/JS) is a very big plus • Knowledge on Machine Learning application pipeline is a very big plus • Proven results oriented person with a delivery focus in a high velocity, high quality environment. • Strong communication skills in Oral and Written English. • Working Experience in Multi-national Company is a plus. • Geek style is a big plus.


    如果有兴趣的小伙伴,同时又有点担心年终奖的损失的话。 不用担心!基于面试情况,PayPal 会考虑给予额外奖金或者 Sign-On Bonus 之类减少你的年终奖损失, 让你在年底既能轻松搞定新的 Exciting 的工作机会,又能即时得到一些补偿,何乐不为呢?

    1 条回复    2020-10-27 14:38:46 +08:00
       2020-10-27 14:38:46 +08:00

    可以将简历发送至: [email protected]
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