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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Operations Assistant

  •   Wiredcraft · 2013-06-17 16:33:29 +08:00 · 2599 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4147 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    We're a fast growing team of technologists, working with the largest organizations in the world, from the World Bank and CNN to governments, with activity in both China and the US.

    We are currently looking for a new team member to assist our COO with operations, helping with HR, office administration and marketing (PR, event organization...).

    What we expect you to have?

    * You're Chinese, preferably able to speak 上海话.
    * You have a solid English and can sustain conversations both online and in real life,
    * You're interested in learning new things,
    * You're comfortable with technology and familiar with tools like Weibo.

    Why would you want to work with us?

    * You'll be working with great colleagues and work out of an awesome office in downtown Shanghai,
    * We'll help you with learning new things depending on what you're interested in
    * We'll make sure you have the right tools to get your job done and throw in a few perks:

    * A Ergohuman chair (or an exercise ball if that's your thing),
    * Flexible hours (and no overtime),
    * Free snacks and drinks,
    * Weekly team lunch and monthly team dinner,

    About us

    Wiredcraft is a consulting shop focusing on technology and data.

    We work with a wide range of clients, from CNN to the United Nations, solving complex problems with smart and effective strategies involving technology. We're problem solvers before engineers and pride ourselves in challenging ourselves with finding efficient ways to get things done. Send us your resume at [email protected]. We will contact you back as soon as possible.
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