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[北京/上海/深圳/杭州/海外/远程] Juicedata | 招聘啦, JuiceFS 期待你的加入!研发与开发者市场相关岗位全部开放!

  •   suave · 2022-02-14 19:35:07 +08:00 · 2214 次点击
    这是一个创建于 982 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    Juicedata 成立于 2017 年,在创立之初就获得华创资本( China Growth Capital )和清源创投( Tsingyuan Ventures )的联合投资。带着做全球开发者最喜欢的存储产品的愿景,开发了云原生分布式文件系统 JuiceFS ,并在 2018 年在全球十余家公有云平台上发布了 JuiceFS 云服务。客户只需 20 分钟就能部署好一个 10 PB 弹性扩展的文件存储系统。

    自 2018 年,JuiceFS 的商业客户中包括数十家互联网、人工智能领域的领军企业,同时也在广电、证券、航天、运营商等行业都积累了成功交付经验。帮助客户在存储方面节省了大量的人力财力,更聚焦于发展自身核心业务。

    2021 年 1 月,JuiceFS 在 GitHub 正式开源,目前已经累计近 5000 星,获得全球开发者关注,被 Hacker News 、InfoQ 等首页报道,数次登上 GitHub Trending 榜单。与小米、理想汽车、Shopee 、知乎、BIGO 等多家知名互联网企业,以及 Apache Kylin 、Milvus 、Fluid 、PaddlePaddle 等开源社区展开合作。

    Juicedata 团队成员由多年工作在分布式系统领域的资深架构师、工程师、解决方案专家组成,分布在杭州、上海、厦门等多个城市,过去曾服务于 Databricks 、腾讯、阿里巴巴、PingCAP 、知乎、小红书、豆瓣等国内外知名科技企业。





    • JuiceFS 核心功能开发;
    • 持续改进核心系统的稳定性、性能;
    • 改进 JuiceFS 在多种场景的支撑能力。


    • 深度参与过分布式系统的设计和开发;
    • 参与过开源软件的协作开发;
    • 对代码质量有追求,写过大量简洁、高效的代码;
    • 加分项:对文件系统有深入了解;熟悉 Linux 下内核和网络诊断调优。


    • 工作地点在杭州,经验丰富的候选人可以申请远程。
    • 薪酬:30K-50K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。



    • 负责 JuiceFS 管理端的开发;
    • 参与 JuiceFS 监控运维体系的开发。
    • JuiceFS 网站控制台、命令行工具的开发;
    • SRE 的工作,包括生产系统的监控与维护,和运维工具开发;
    • 支持客户业务的性能问题诊断与优化,性能与兼容性测试。


    • 熟练 Python 和 Golang ,有 2 年以上相关工作经验;
    • 能独立解决问题,熟练英文阅读,能使用英语解决工作中的问题;
    • 有很好的沟通、倾听和理解能力;
    • 加分项:深度参与过一个分布式系统的开发;熟悉 Kubernetes ;有中大型系统运维经验。


    • 工作地点在杭州。
    • 薪酬:20K-30K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。



    • 负责 JuiceFS 和相关组件的质量保障工作;
    • 持续优化质量保障相关的技术与流程;
    • 深度参与研发流程,提供质量工程建议和支持。


    • 扎实的编程能力,熟悉 Go 、Python ,熟悉 Java 更佳;
    • 丰富的分布式系统测试、自动化测试、CI/CD 、混沌工程经验;
    • 熟悉分布式系统的性能测试、稳定性测试;
    • 熟悉 Linux ,熟悉 Windows 更佳;
    • 熟悉 POSIX 、HDFS 、S3 等存储访问标准更佳;
    • 优秀的沟通和协作能力。


    • 工作地点在杭州。
    • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。

    Windows 客户端开发工程师


    • 负责开发和维护 JuiceFS 的 Windows 客户端。


    • 有 2 年以上 Windows 应用开发经验,熟悉系统工作原理,内存管理、消息处理、多线程等机制;
    • 熟悉 Windows 网络通信机制、安全策略机制;
    • 熟悉 Windows 用户权限、AD 权限等机制;
    • 熟悉一种 Windows UI 框架;
    • 对代码质量有追求,写过大量简洁、高效的代码;
    • 加分项:参与过开源软件的协作开发;对文件系统有深入了解;有网盘类产品开发经验。


    • 工作地点在杭州。
    • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。



    • 负责 JuiceFS 与 Hadoop 生态的集成和产品化;
    • 建设存储计算分离的大数据平台方案;
    • 参与客户项目的技术支持工作。
    • 提升 /简化 /精进 JuiceFS 与各种大数据计算框架和数据仓库的集成度,包括且不限于 Spark 、Hive 、HBase 、Presto ;
    • 大数据平台计算与存储性能的深度优化;
    • 支持客户业务的性能问题诊断与优化,性能与兼容性测试,包括测试框架的设计与研发。


    • 熟练 Java 编程,有 3 年以上大数据平台实施、维护经验;
    • 熟练掌握至少一种大数据计算、调度框架;
    • 善于自己定位问题,通过网络查找解决方案并解决问题;
    • 熟练英文阅读,能使用英语搜索、学习、解决工作中的问题;喜欢学习新东西;
    • 有很好的沟通、倾听和理解能力;
    • 加分项:熟悉任意一个大数据开源项目的源代码。


    • 工作地点在杭州。
    • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。




    • 与 JuiceFS 客户深度沟通,负责需求调研、方案设计与规划、PoC 、实施与落地等工作;
    • 分析挖掘客户需求,深刻理解客户痛点与业务需求,为客户带来切实价值;
    • 协同销售团队识别商业机会与目标客户,提供专业的技术支持;
    • 撰写用户使用文档与博客,参与市场活动。


    • 拥有计算机、软件工程、网络工程等相关专业本科及以上学历,或拥有 5 年以上软件开发经验;
    • 扎实的技术基础,具有 3 年以上大中型服务端应用架构设计经验;
    • 逻辑思维清晰,有良好的沟通、协调、演讲以及写作能力;
    • 良好的客户服务理念,强烈的工作责任心,执行力和自驱力,具备良好的团队合作能力;
    • 对业界的新产品、技术发展动态与趋势有比较密切的关注;
    • 加分项:拥有 3 年以上解决方案架构师从业经历;对分布式系统、大数据、AI 等领域有深入理解。


    • 工作地点在北京,上海,深圳。
    • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。



    • 建立良好、深入的客户关系,与 JuiceFS 合作伙伴或团队紧密合作支持客户;
    • 成为客户信任的 JuiceFS 技术支持专家,及时准确的反馈客户在 JuiceFS 使用中的问题;
    • 参与客户交付的全周期工作,负责分析、验证客户需求,识别潜在挑战、风险,管理项目进展;
    • 向客户介绍 JuiceFS 云服务和企业版特性和相关实践与案例;
    • 提升客户使用满足度,识别潜在的流失风险;
    • 持续参与设计开发客户支持的方法、流程、工具。


    • 1 年以上在客户成功,客户管理或相关岗位上的工作经历;
    • 具备与大型企业客户进行技术交流,技术支持的能力和经验;
    • 技术背景与技术思维,熟悉 IT 基础架构涉及的知识。我们会培训支持你成为 JuiceFS 技术专家;
    • 效率达人,能否接受多项事务,并清晰判断优先级,有效安排自己的时间与工作产出;
    • 沟通达人,具备出色的口头与文字沟通能力,与内部、外部的合作者、客户高效沟通;
    • 知识管理达人,有出色的知识沉淀和管理的习惯,能将日常工作中的内容有效形成文字;
    • 加分项:熟悉存储系统,文件系统,Kubernetes CSI ,公有云产品。


    • 工作地点在杭州,北京,上海。
    • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。

    开发者支持 / Developer Advocate


    • 分享、传播 JuiceFS 的使用方法、使用场景、最佳实践;
    • 作为社区与 Juicedata 技术团队之间的桥梁,输出方案架构、示例代码、演示、文档、博客等;
    • 协助用户评估、使用 JuiceFS ,与用户一起探索新的使用场景,理解、总结用户的使用案例;
    • 在社区、技术会议、行业交流中介绍 JuiceFS 。


    • 热爱开源软件,乐于参与开源社区;
    • 有丰富的技术背景,对 IT 基础架构、大数据、AI 等领域有实践经验,能够自己动手写代码做 Demo ,构建方案;
    • 有通过公开演讲与写作传递自己见解和观点的经验;
    • 乐于参与技术分享与传播,善于沟通;
    • 加分项:参与过任意开源社区;


    • 工作地点在杭州,北京,上海,深圳,能接受 30%+出差。
    • 薪酬:20K-40K/月,以及早期工程师的丰厚期权。

    English Technical Writer

    What You'll Do

    • Author blog articles, tutorials, and best practices guides targeting data engineers, AI developers and architects.
    • Battle tests the modern app stack include but not limit to big data, AI and other data massive domains. Create sample projects hosted in Github with reproducible code to go along with your articles.
    • Empower JuiceFS users and employees to share their learnings. Review guest articles. Make JuiceFS a better product. Provide feedback on JuiceFS documentation and product as you battle test it.
    • Distribute your content online. Engage with the community on Hacker News, StackOverflow, Slack communities, Reddit, Quora, Twitter, and Linkedin.
    • We want to focus on quality over quantity, you will measure from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and SEO tools to drive our content efforts.

    What You'll Need

    • You are fluent in written and spoken English.
    • Experience as an engineer working with big data stack, engineering in machine learning/deep learning, file sharing, other file systems and storage systems. Not all are required.
    • You are familiar with foundational concepts like distributed storage, file systems, object storages…
    • Adept at communicating technically complicated topics simply and elegantly.
    • You have published technical blog posts before, for example, on your company’s engineering blog or on your personal blog.
    • You know how to distribute content in social media (Reddit, Hacker News, Twitter, Linkedin). You pay attention to detail and are able to provide constructive feedback to others.
    • Bonus: Knowledge of HDFS, Ceph, GlusterFS, Lustre,S3, MinIO, Hadoop stack and other big data engines, machine learning/deep learning framework, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud…)
    • Bonus: Experience with file systems. You will get to benchmark and compare all storage products.
    • Bonus: You know how to optimize content for SEO.
    • Bonus: you have an eye for design. You can produce attractive diagrams and illustrations for your articles.

    Work Site

    • Remote,prefer live in United States

    Developer Advocate for Oversea

    What You'll Do

    • Become a JuiceFS expert.
    • Drive better practices by creating blog and video content, developing code samples and open source tools, and/or speaking at events.
    • Work with the DevRel team to develop and sustain the JuiceFS Slack channel, listening to feedback and rewarding community members for their participation.
    • Assist with JuiceFS documentation, tutorials, and other education efforts within DevRel.
    • Assist with JuiceFS forum management, events, and other community engagement within DevRel.
    • Speak at conferences, contribute to events, and engage in communities like Stack Overflow and GitHub.
    • Engage external communities like Stack Overflow, GitHub, Slack, Reddit, and Discord to identify new resources that should be created, and own the delivery of those pieces.
    • Engage with various kinds of JuiceFS users to understand their perspectives, workflows, and use cases.
    • Communicate developer requirements and provide input to product management on feature enhancements and future product direction.

    What You'll Need

    • You are fluent in written and spoken English.
    • 1 years of experience in developer education, developer relations, and technical writing.
    • You have a working knowledge of storage system and affiliated modern apps and frameworks, and have experience of writing code sample projects, demos, or tutorials.
    • Experience of working within cross-functional teams (product management, marketing, product engineering, go-to-market, customer success, etc).
    • Adept at communicating technically complicated topics simply and elegantly.
    • Maintain a strong and credible presence in online platforms and social media channels relevant to developers.
    • Experienced keynote speaker at leading technical conferences.
    • Creative by nature, facilitator of engaging, active and thriving online communities.
    • Confident and comfortable presenting to different types of audiences, large and small.
    • Scrappy & has a mindset that done is better than perfect. Many of the community projects are early and will have shifts in direction.
    • Creative, empathetic, communicative, and clever.
    • Able to multitask and meet time-sensitive goals.

    Work Site

    • Remote,prefer live in United States

    Community Manager for Oversea

    What You'll Do

    • Provide editorial coverage for new releases on the website, community platforms and newsletter.
    • Lead the organization of the community and office hours.
    • Lead all social media strategy and execution.
    • Lead community engagement initiatives and coordinate in-person community events.
    • Help build the community response framework to empower JuiceFS employees to engage on Slack channel, StackOverflow, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, YouTube and more platforms, and lead execution on all engagement.
    • Lead the swag program towards the contributor community.
    • Establish and track important community metrics.
    • Optimize for the best community experience, from first landing to churning.
    • Develop and implement internal and external community advocate programs to empower and incentivize top community contributors.
    • Be the voice of the community in internal communications, sharing trends and feedback.

    What You'll Need

    • You are fluent in written and spoken English.
    • Minimum 1 years of experience leading an open-source or developer community.
    • Self-starter -capable of maintaining constant motivation under little oversight, -with strong understanding of content management and community management best practices.
    • Transparent communicator, both in verbal and written communications.
    • Adept at developing positive relationships with all personality types, showing empathy and understanding with the goal of helping customers successfully through a variety of situations.
    • Creative by nature, facilitator of engaging, active and thriving online communities.
    • Make JuiceFS a data-driven community. Define and own metrics to measure the success of our community growth and engagement.
    • Able to multitask and meet time-sensitive goals.

    Work Site

    • Remote,prefer live in United States

    JuiceFS 正处于高速发展期,欢迎有兴趣的小伙伴积极投递简历,加入我们,一起创造更美好的存储技术!

    简历投递: [email protected]

    欢迎关注我们项目 Juicedata/JuiceFS 哟! (0ᴗ0✿)

    2 条回复    2022-03-04 14:10:21 +08:00
       2022-02-16 13:15:18 +08:00
    请问研发岗位可以远程吗? 主要是疑惑标题里面提到远程, 但是 JD 里面又说在杭州
       2022-03-04 14:10:21 +08:00
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