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[新加坡]知名自动驾驶智能公司,现招聘资深开发工程师 C++(有嵌入式经验), base 新加坡,国际化团队,要求中英文良好,国际化办公环境。

  •   sophiayao · 2022-11-23 10:01:12 +08:00 · 688 次点击
    这是一个创建于 704 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    知名自动驾驶方向智能公司,国际化团队,现招聘资深开发工程师 C++(有嵌入式经验),base 新加坡 预算折合人民币 40-50K 月薪,欢迎中英文良好,有来新加坡发展意愿的详聊:微信:sophia_liu611

    Full Job Description
    We are looking for an outstanding self-motivated engineer working with the multi-disciplinary team of scientists and engineers to conduct R&D in the fields of video analytics, machine learning, autonomous driving perception and AI. We have active research and development projects where we design, integrate, test, and deploy state-of-the-art systems for a range of applications, including image and video analytics, artificial intelligence, scene understanding, perception for autonomous systems.

    o Deliver/release algorithms in terms of SDK library on product-specific platforms.
    o Port algorithms to different platforms, evaluate and optimize performance.
    o Work on parallel computing design by allocating CPU cores and system resources properly.
    o Work closely with the algorithm research team and system software engineering team.
    o Bridge the gap between algorithm theory and commercial production level software deliverable.
    o Analyze, implement, profile, and optimize the company’s machine learning and image processing algorithms.

    o MS or Ph.D. in Electrical, Computer Engineering or Computer Science or related with 2-5 years’ equivalent experience.
    o Fluent in both English and Mandarin.
    o Fluent in C/C++, Python, and script languages.
    o Solid understanding of computer architecture, CPU scheduler, and parallel computing.
    o Experienced in the implementation of computer vision and machine learning algorithms.
    o Good communication, documentation, and teamwork.

    It’s preferred if you have one or more of the following:
    o Knowledge of the theory and algorithms of computer vision, machine learning and deep learning.
    o Experienced on an embedded platform, ARM processors, DSP, OpenCL, OpenMP, CUDA, Neon.
    o Experienced developing and deploying models for edge devices.
    o Experienced with building infrastructure and tools for applied machine learning, including evaluation/validation techniques, and performance optimaztion.
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