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[上海-静安寺]Wiredcraft招人啦!~ 众多职位~

  •   Wiredcraft · 2014-01-09 12:27:08 +08:00 · 3996 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3941 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    - 加入我们的理由

    - 你将与一群出色的同事一起在市中心一个很棒的办公室里一同工作。,
    - 你将能学到很多,并利用最新的技术完成极富挑战的项目,
    - 工欲善其事,必先利其器。我们将保证你使用着正确的“利器”;
    一台Macbook Air和外接显示器;
    - 灵活的工作时间(并且没有加班);
    - 免费的零食和饮料;
    - 每周的团队午餐和每月的团队晚餐。
    - 每两个月的Teambuilding,保龄球、射箭、卡丁车、密室逃脱⋯⋯想吃什么想玩儿什么任你选!
    - (隔壁公司还有不少妹子哦~~)


    You're passionate about building simple and attractive products and can explain your design process.

    - What you would do

    * Working with the product manager and the technical team, your responsibilities would include:

    * Drafting user experiences and assisting engineers and product staff in building applications workflows (Web & mobile).

    * Designing interfaces for both Web and mobile products and platforms.

    * Developing new products brands: logo, colors...

    * Designing collaterals for marketing: newsletter, illustrations...

    - What we'd like you to have

    * Strong UI & UX skills. You don't just make things pretty but do so with meaning to reach a goal.

    * Solid design chops, especially colors and typography. We favor simple and clean interfaces.

    * Strong understanding of technology (HTML, CSS, JS)

    * Bonus point if you can actually code, even more if you've participated in Open Source projects.


    You're curious and interested in learning the latest Javascript technologies. You want to build interactive applications.

    - What you would do

    * Working with the product manager to design and implement UI and UX.

    * Experiment and investigate new technologies to find what works for our team.

    * Ship code. That includes helping our team focusing on delivering and away from procrastinating.

    * Contribute to Open Source.

    - What we'd like you to have

    * You're smart and passionate about technology. We work a lot with data, infrastructure, APIs, the Web and mobile, but we welcome all kind of profiles (one of us used to be a fireman).

    * You're at ease building interactive Web front-ends using HTML5, CSS and Javascript. Our team uses AngularJS, Grunt.js, bower and the latest tools. We're more than happy to teach you.

    * Bonus point if you've participated in Open Source projects.


    You are smart, genuinely curious, eager to learn and you like to ship. You have serious technical chops.

    - What you would do

    * Working with the product manager to design technical architectures and user experiences.

    * Experiment and investigate new technologies to find what works for our team.

    * Ship code. That includes helping our team focusing on delivering and away from procrastinating.

    * Contribute to Open Source.

    - What we'd like you to have

    *You're smart and passionate about technology. We work a lot with data, infrastructure, APIs, the Web and mobile, but we welcome all kind of profiles (one of us used to be a fireman).

    * Up-to-date technical chops and eagerness to learn. We don't care if you're into Ruby, Python, PHP or Javascript; we currently mostly use AngularJS, Python and node.js (with a dash of Erlang). We'd love to give you the tools and resources to learn new technologies.

    * A sound understanding of how infrastructure works (we foster a DevOps mindset).

    * Bonus point if you've participated in Open Source projects.

    *Bonus point too if you're already familiar with front-end and back-end development (if not, we'll teach you).

    全职、实习生我们都招哦~你可以发送简历或github账号到: [email protected]
    3 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2014-01-09 14:56:20 +08:00
       2014-01-10 13:08:53 +08:00
    @arthurhuang 多些支持!
       2014-01-19 21:38:08 +08:00
    邮箱是[email protected]还是[email protected] ???
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