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V2EX 第 48746 号会员,加入于 2013-11-05 10:32:51 +08:00
Pyinstaller 打包程序,有什么需要注意的地方?
Python  •  Matrix24  •  2014-03-08 20:49:36 PM  •  最后回复来自 hick
Tkinter 做出来的程序界面好丑,有没有什么办法改进?
Python  •  Matrix24  •  2014-02-25 15:13:55 PM  •  最后回复来自 nine
Matrix24 最近回复了
@ospider 十分感谢!!就缺了这一环~
2014-04-12 21:41:08 +08:00
回复了 eric_zyh 创建的主题 问与答 一个数学方程式求解: 2^(x-3) = x
输入:Solve[2^(x - 3) == x, x]
结果:{{x -> -(ProductLog[-(Log[2]/8)]/Log[2])}, {x -> -(
ProductLog[-1, -(Log[2]/8)]/Log[2])}}
@zentorwie 我在搜索解决方式的时候,也看到了这篇文章
2014-03-12 20:21:59 +08:00
回复了 Rand01ph 创建的主题 程序员 毕业了才知道一切都是自作孽
@kurtrossel 笑死

W: no module named matplotlib.rcParams (top-level import by matplotlib.figure)
W: no module named glib.Idle (top-level import by gobject)
W: no module named nt (conditional import by __main__)
W: no module named numpy.not_equal (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named setuptools.Command (top-level import by setuptools.command.setopt)
W: no module named numpy.testing.Tester (top-level import by numpy.polynomial)
W: no module named numpy.compat.formatargspec (top-level import by
W: no module named glib.Source (top-level import by gobject)
W: no module named numpy.testing.Tester (top-level import by numpy.random)
W: no module named msvcrt (conditional import by getpass)
W: no module named java (conditional import by xml.sax._exceptions)
W: no module named numpy.core.ravel (top-level import by numpy.linalg.linalg)
W: no module named numpy.core.atleast_3d (top-level import by numpy.lib.shape_base)
W: no module named matplotlib.MatplotlibDeprecationWarning (top-level import by matplotlib.legend)
W: no module named numpy.core.zeros (delayed import by numpy.testing.utils)
W: no module named numpy.compat.bytes (top-level import by numpy.core.numerictypes)
W: no module named setuptools.Command (top-level import by setuptools.command.easy_install)
W: no module named numpy.core.flatnonzero (top-level import by numpy.linalg.linalg)
W: no module named numpy.tanh (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named PyQt4._qt (top-level import by PyQt4.QtCore)
W: no module named numpy.sinh (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named glib.SPAWN_LEAVE_DESCRIPTORS_OPEN (top-level import by gobject)
W: no module named numpy.core.isscalar (delayed import by numpy.testing.utils)
W: no module named numpy.left_shift (top-level import by numpy.oldnumeric.ufuncs)
W: no module named Pyrex (delayed, conditional import by numpy.distutils.command.build_src)
W: no module named matplotlib.backends.pylab_setup (top-level import by matplotlib.pyplot)
W: no module named numpy.subtract (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named matplotlib.rcParams (top-level import by matplotlib.ticker)
W: no module named numpy.arcsin (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named numpy.lexsort (top-level import by numpy.numarray.functions)
W: no module named numpy.core.intc (top-level import by numpy.linalg.linalg)
W: no module named numpy.ndarray (top-level import by
W: no module named numpy.greater_equal (top-level import by numpy.oldnumeric.ufuncs)
W: no module named numpy.logical_not (top-level import by numpy.oldnumeric.ufuncs)
W: no module named Carbon (delayed import by plistlib)
W: no module named matplotlib.rcParams (top-level import by matplotlib.axis)
W: no module named _winreg (top-level import by distutils.msvccompiler)
W: no module named numpy.swapaxes (top-level import by numpy.oldnumeric.misc)
W: no module named numpy.diagonal (top-level import by numpy.numarray.functions)
W: no module named matplotlib.delaunay.__version__ (delayed, conditional import by matplotlib.mlab)
W: no module named numpy.arccos (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named numpy.core.hstack (top-level import by numpy.lib.polynomial)
W: no module named numpy.sinh (top-level import by numpy.oldnumeric.ufuncs)
W: no module named numpy.core.max (conditional import by numpy)
W: no module named numpy.distutils.fcompiler.show_fcompilers (delayed import by numpy.distutils.interactive)
W: no module named numpy.core.concatenate (top-level import by numpy.fft.helper)
W: no module named numpy.arcsinh (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named numpy.linalg.lstsq (top-level import by numpy.lib.polynomial)
W: no module named numpy.greater (top-level import by numpy.oldnumeric.ufuncs)
W: no module named numpy.core.atleast_2d (top-level import by numpy.lib.function_base)
W: no module named vms_lib (delayed, conditional import by platform)
W: no module named glib.set_application_name (top-level import by gobject)
W: no module named numpy.floor_divide (top-level import by numpy.numarray.ufuncs)
W: no module named numpy.testing.Tester (conditional import by numpy.distutils)
W: no module named numpy.less (top-level import by numpy.oldnumeric.ufuncs)
W: no module named matplotlib.rcParamsDefault (top-level import by matplotlib.pyplot)
W: no module named numpy_distutils (delayed, conditional import by numpy.f2py.diagnose)
W: no module named glib.MainContext (top-level import by gobject)
W: no module named numpy.ndarray (top-level import by
W: no module named matplotlib.rcParams (top-level import by matplotlib.text)
W: no module named numpy.eye (delayed import by numpy.core.numeric)
W: no module named numpy.searchsorted (top-level import by numpy.numarray.functions)
W: no module named numpy.core.
2014-03-11 22:09:48 +08:00
回复了 sneezry 创建的主题 iDev 没有 MacBook 的前提下有什么比较好的方法使用 xcode 开发 iOS 吗
Mac mini,至于虚拟机,还是玩玩吧,不能干活
在GNOME3中搜索 nm
2014-03-03 08:27:14 +08:00
回复了 artwalk 创建的主题 程序员 大家平时怎么码代码的?
@binux 你的意思是说,所有定义的self.XXX是函数内的(self)决定的,突然明白了。哈哈,被打醒了,ThankYou,谢谢你的耐心~~
class AAA():
········def go(self):


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