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2014-10-24 16:31:03 +08:00
回复了 lylqlh 创建的主题 macOS Yosemite 的 Safari 有没有类似 SwitchySharp 的插件啊?
@SoloCompany 现在基本弄得差不多了,但是想自己添加规则怎么搞啊?规则助手灰色点不了,设置里的规则列表添加后也没反应,不太会弄格式。www.daikonforge.com 没在列表,上不去。
2014-10-24 15:30:19 +08:00
回复了 lylqlh 创建的主题 macOS Yosemite 的 Safari 有没有类似 SwitchySharp 的插件啊?
@SoloCompany 试了一下,全局模式下能打开动态网,不能打开推特。另两种模式是什么都打不开
2014-10-24 15:23:38 +08:00
回复了 lylqlh 创建的主题 macOS Yosemite 的 Safari 有没有类似 SwitchySharp 的插件啊?
@SoloCompany 我之前用的BreakWall 里面的Goagent。现在想切换到Safari但是不能根据网址自动切换是不是走代理。之前Chrome下是用SwitchySharp的自动切换模式,他里面有个规则列表自动更新的。现在我用GoAgentX服务类型新建了一个也是goagent,输入AppID还有gmail邮箱密码然后部署,端口是8087。但是不能FANQIANG。看你的回复PAC也类似于一个规则列表,能自动判断走不走代理而不是全都走代理。我现在配置好了就出现上面那一大串(全局模式下)。我这方面不太懂,有点啰嗦你别见怪啊。
2014-10-24 15:08:57 +08:00
回复了 lylqlh 创建的主题 macOS Yosemite 的 Safari 有没有类似 SwitchySharp 的插件啊?
@SoloCompany 我用全局代理就出这个,用独立和PAC日志没反应。而且我不太懂PAC,有现成的PAC下载吗?
2014-10-24 15:08:00 +08:00
回复了 lylqlh 创建的主题 macOS Yosemite 的 Safari 有没有类似 SwitchySharp 的插件啊?
@SoloCompany INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:01] resolve common.IPLIST_MAP names=['google_cn', 'google_hk', 'google_talk', 'google_ipv6', 'mtalk.google.com'] to iplist
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:01] resolve name=google_cn host to iplist=['', '', '', '', '']
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:01] resolve name=google_hk host to iplist=['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:01] resolve name=google_talk host to iplist=['']
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:02] resolve name=mtalk.google.com host to iplist=['']
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:02] good_ipaddrs=0, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:02] good_ipaddrs=0, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:02] good_ipaddrs=0, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:02] extend_iplist start for hosts=['www.google.com', 'mail.google.com', 'www.google.com.hk', 'www.google.com.tw', 'www1.l.google.com', 'www2.l.google.com', 'www3.l.google.com', 'www4.l.google.com', 'www5.l.google.com', 'www6.l.google.com', 'www.l.google.com', 'mail.l.google.com', 'googleapis.l.google.com', 'googlecode.l.googleusercontent.com', 'maps.l.google.com', 'code.l.google.com']
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:03] good_ipaddrs=0, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:06] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d337890> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:07] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d337d10> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:07] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d33f210> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:07] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d33f810> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:07] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d33fc90> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:07] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d335f10> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:07] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d369690> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:07] <function dnslib_resolve_over_udp at 0x10d3f8b90> remote host='www1.l.google.com' failed: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo <dnslib.dns.DNSRecord object at 0x10d33f990> from [''] failed
WARNING - [Oct 24 15:06:09] create_ssl_connection to 'lylqlh1c.appspot.com' with [('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443), ('', 443)] return SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF'), try again.
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:10] "URL GET http://clients1.google.com/ocsp/ME4wTKADAgEAMEUwQzBBMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFPLgavmFih2NcJtJGSN6qbUaKH5kBBRK3QYWG7z2aLV29YG2u2IaulqBLwIIQacU7Zk17GA%3D HTTP/1.1" 200 463
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:12] "URL GET http://rm.api.weibo.com/2/remind/unread_hint.json?source=3818214747&with_url=1&appkeys=&group_ids=3657223421229130,3657223672945703,3683018420387347,3701598499327526&callback=STK_141413417718826 HTTP/1.1" 200 192
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:12] good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:13] good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:13] good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:13] good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:13] good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
INFO - [Oct 24 15:06:13] good_ipaddrs=2, bad_ipaddrs=0, unkown_ipaddrs=0
2014-10-24 14:23:14 +08:00
回复了 lylqlh 创建的主题 macOS Yosemite 的 Safari 有没有类似 SwitchySharp 的插件啊?
@SoloCompany 我之前一直用BreakWall,上午搞了一下GoAgentX,不灵啊。可能跟之前配置有冲突?
2014-10-24 13:46:45 +08:00
回复了 lylqlh 创建的主题 macOS Yosemite 的 Safari 有没有类似 SwitchySharp 的插件啊?
@Leafove 因为没听说过- -!
2014-10-24 11:30:26 +08:00
回复了 RCheungIT 创建的主题 macOS Safari 有没有超级拖拽插件哇
iDragger 1.0还能用!
2011-12-27 00:10:57 +08:00
回复了 hdinfo 创建的主题 macOS fanradio最新版貌似在lion下,无法播放了?
2011-12-27 00:06:04 +08:00
回复了 magic 创建的主题 Xbox 360 xbox360 slim 4g 同捆 kinect套装要多少钱?
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