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V2EX 第 45975 号会员,加入于 2013-09-26 01:24:32 +08:00
utopia 最近回复了
17 小时 10 分钟前
回复了 inostarling 创建的主题 软件 Obsidian 真是个好东西,准备切过去了
@shmilypeter icloud 在手机上每次启动都要加载很久,很麻烦。

就是这个界面:Waiting for iCloud to synchronize Obsidian configuration files... Why is this slow?
iCloud proactively deletes files to make space on your device. Obsidian is re-downloading those files. iCloud does not yet offer a way to turn off automatic deletion.
If this is causing issues you can try Obsidian
Sync or other sync methods.
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