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V2EX 第 478803 号会员,加入于 2020-03-25 16:15:54 +08:00
wo152 最近回复了
193 天前
回复了 WDFWL 创建的主题 职场话题 大家体感今年外企招人情况有回暖么
193 天前
回复了 WDFWL 创建的主题 职场话题 大家体感今年外企招人情况有回暖么
em ,我司大量招人,老哥们的简历呢?
大量 hc ,先到先面
@yifangtongxing28 外企对比的是是时薪,对标外企,
@4Fun24 你好,会有部分英文面试,主要简单考察一下日常沟通能力,不难
@bojackhorseman 岗位刚出来,目前暂时没有 jd 出来,前后端都是主流的技术栈:java 和 vue 和 react ,前后端侧重一个就好
如没有明确回复简历不合格,则意味着简历已经在 hr 那边的流程,如果状态发生变化,我将及时通知各位,由于外企的流程较长,请各位见谅。
1. Degree in Information Technology or Comp
uter Science or related major.
2. Solid Java development experience.
3. Knowledge in Microservices, Functions, Eve nt-driven/reactive programming or other Cloud Native architectures
4. Experience designing, building, and mainta
ining RESTful APIS
5. Experience with Cloud Native Platforms inc luding Kubernetes, Open Shift, Docker Enterpri se, or Cloud Foundry in the public cloud
6. Experience with JavaScript and one or mor e front-end frameworks such as React or Angul arJS
7. Mobile app development experience is pref
8. Expertise in building highly available produ ction services, including deployment automati on, infrastructure-as-code, monitoring, and sca ling
9. Good understanding of containers, build sy
stems, and infrastructure automation
10. Experience with DevOps and Agile engineer
ing practices
11. Self-motivated and possess drive, and abili ty to work independently as well as a good tea m player.
12. Strong in analytical, communications and i
nterpersonal skills.
13. Possess good command of English.
14. Preferably possesses minimal 8 years of rel evant system development experience, particu larly in financial industry or banking.
15. Preferably experienced in at least 8 large-sc ale Software Development projects, particularl y in Agile software development methodology. 16. 16. Preferably experienced in at least one of fol
lowing system development areas:
Mobile Applications
Microservices development
另,来信咨询的时候,请写明应聘职位+年限+base 地
@eaglewangl37670 如果是具有较强实力的 Android 或 ios 可以将经验放宽到 6 年,其他条件不变的,要求本科,并具有带团队经验,英语听说读写 OK
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