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2023-09-12 16:57:39 +08:00
回复了 NGUP915 创建的主题 English 自制力不够,如何学习英语?
Phrase `loads of ` means `lots of`, `a lot`
2023-09-12 16:56:14 +08:00
回复了 NGUP915 创建的主题 English 自制力不够,如何学习英语?
Someone said he/she wants to immigrate, this is the real reason why he/she studies such hard.
2023-09-12 16:45:52 +08:00
回复了 NGUP915 创建的主题 English 自制力不够,如何学习英语?
I highly want to know how you feel about the importance of English after you work.

In my experience, loads of classical tech books have been translated into Chinese, and most tech answers to problems you can find on Chinese web pages like CSDN, and Zhihu.

(I don't want to discuss how bad the Chinese content in the above websites)

So, I mean you need to find a real reason from your heart, only through this, you can overcome all the difficulties not only self-control.

For myself, I felt I was too fat to do normal things, so I decided to lose fat, In the next 5 months, I lost about 20 kilo-grams.

English is also, I need to communicate with foreign colleagues, so I need to improve my English level, writing, listening, reading, and writing.

And back to the topic: How to improve English?
If lack vocabulary, remember them.
If you can not understand a sentence, try to find an easier one.

No short ways, just listen, and read, and the reason from your deep heart will push you forward.
2023-09-06 10:34:24 +08:00
回复了 dekuofa 创建的主题 分享发现 分享一下我学习英语的经验
`Thank you for your valuable suggestions. If you were to say these things to me now, I feel like I would already be understanding the content at a level of n+1 (able to comprehend about 80-90% of it).

I have also watched Stephen Krashen's videos on language learning and some English learning videos recommended by OP, such as those by [罗肖尼] . I know that comprehensible input is a scientifically proven method for second language acquisition.

However, I am facing a problem right now. My vocabulary is currently around 2000 words, and when I watch Little Fox videos, they seem childish and lack motivation for me to continue watching. On YouTube, most videos are at an n+7/8 level where I have to rely heavily on guessing. After one month of reading practice, I can feel that my English reading has improved, but my listening skills are still very poor. Like the podcast you recommended, I listened for just one minute and couldn't understand it. Perhaps it's because my English listening practice has been limited.

I'm not sure what kind of content would be suitable for someone with my vocabulary level in terms of improving listening skills.

The above content has been translated and polished using ChatGPT`

These fluent sentences shocked me until I read the last sentence, LOL.

For the main point, you want to find suitable listening materials for you.

From my side, I think 2000 words have covered most scenes for a person who received the Chinese obligation education.

So you can choose some listening materials for American children(You can search on Youtube), and meanwhile, you can improve your vocabulary.
2023-09-06 09:18:24 +08:00
回复了 dekuofa 创建的主题 分享发现 分享一下我学习英语的经验
`yes ,i have a question ,can you share your experience of learning english?
forgive me for my grammer mistakes`
Of course yes.
The must reason that drives me is I am working in a global company and the official language is English.
Some experience:
1. To build the Env of learning English, You need to force yourself to read the English sentences, listen to the English communications, and write.
2. Choose a suitable level book, and use `lexile` to judge your English level, here is the reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexile
3. Whatever listening and reading, the very important knowledge is comprehensible input, which means you need to receive the knowledge you can understand.
4. The most and most experience is: keeping curiosity and never giving up. You have no sense to keep reading or listening every day but do not re-catch them after several months.

I've listened to an episode, it's about comprehensible input and you can listen too: https://podcasts.apple.com/cn/podcast/the-level-up-english-podcast/id1459642847?i=1000626173283
2023-09-05 15:27:18 +08:00
回复了 dekuofa 创建的主题 分享发现 分享一下我学习英语的经验
LOL, and there are no complex sentences and no advanced words. Obviously, you can understand.
Language is designed for communication, right?
2023-08-31 11:45:58 +08:00
回复了 stevenshuang 创建的主题 Go 编程语言 Go 如何解析同一个字段可能是多种类型的 json
I provide a suggestion.
type Res struct {
Value any `json:"value"` // Int or Float
FloatValue float64
IntValue int

func (r *Res) UnmarshalJSON(source []byte) (err error) {
// json.number is type of float64
type Temp struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
var temp = Temp{}
decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(source))
//means that number convert to json.Number
//decode json
if err = decoder.Decode(&temp); err != nil {
return err
var convertToInt bool
var convertValue int
// convert float64 to int
if convertToInt {
r.IntValue = convertValue
} else {
r.FloatValue = temp.Value
func Usage() {
var source = []byte(`{"value":123}`)
var res Res
_ = json.Unmarshal(source, &res)
// use intValue
// use floatValue
source = []byte(`{"value":123.23}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(source, &res)
2023-08-31 11:38:12 +08:00
回复了 stevenshuang 创建的主题 Go 编程语言 Go 如何解析同一个字段可能是多种类型的 json
The core issue is how to convert float64 to int.
All the numbers in a JSON string are the type of float64.
2023-07-17 10:01:48 +08:00
回复了 haimianbihdata 创建的主题 macOS 看到今日推荐的 win 帖子还不错。想问关于 mac
解压∶TheUnarchiver 文档:无

Md:VScode 穿透:无

图床:无 音乐:apple Music

搜索: 自带 翻译:自带

ssh: Iterms2 开发:VSCode

网络代理:clash 截图:自带
2023-06-16 16:52:36 +08:00
回复了 PrtScScrLk 创建的主题 生活 预约了一次提前还贷。
你手里握着 100w
拿去存银行,年利 4%,不算复利的话,30 年你的本金和利息一共:100w + 100w*4%*30 = 220w
如果算复利的话,100w + 100*(1+0.4*)^30 = 324w
2023-06-16 11:06:14 +08:00
回复了 wuwuta170 创建的主题 Python 你们平时没事的时候都学啥啊
2023-06-02 16:33:55 +08:00
回复了 PendingOni 创建的主题 程序员 [记录]-2023-06-01 昨天晚上做的笔试题
不好意思,浏览了一下 OP 的历史记录,不是实习。
既然不是实习的话,这些题目有些简单了,而且有些回答 OP 回答的不够充分。
第四个问题,尽量回答和计算机相关的,AutoCAD 没必要回答。
感觉第四个问题是面试官知道 OP 是转行专门问的,特别是自学过哪些计算机课程,如果你回答操作系统、数据结构之类的,可能面试官可以继续深入。
9 的话,回答的太简单了,完全可以深入一下,可以把 mysql 的事务操作好好讲讲。
2023-06-02 16:17:02 +08:00
回复了 PendingOni 创建的主题 程序员 [记录]-2023-06-01 昨天晚上做的笔试题
2023-05-27 09:53:49 +08:00
回复了 atao 创建的主题 macOS 开始喜欢用 FBReader 阅读器了
Books 在 mac 和 iPhone 上面缺点很明显。
Mac:看 pdf 的话是用 preview 打开的,阅读时长进度也不能被记录。
iPhone:无法调整 equb 的文字排版,两侧和底部留白太多了。
只有在 iPad 上面看是最舒服的。
2023-04-27 09:37:08 +08:00
回复了 dekuofa 创建的主题 分享发现 分享一下我学习英语的经验
When I started to learn Python, a very known book named "the hard way to learn python", I learned Python step by step and typed every example.
And now I have started to improve my English, I still use `the hard way` to learn and improve it.
1. read as many books as possible, from easiest to harder books, 'the magic tree house series', 'harry potter', 'steve jobs' and other books. I prevented knowing every word, avoiding looking up the unknown words except the word makes me can not understand the entire sentence.
2. Keep listening, I use Apple Podcasts to listen to my favorite episodes, at first I listen to the Ted talks daily, but it's a little difficult for me to understand, they say too fast! So I changed, Now I listen to "Let's Master English" and "Footprint", they suit me, I can understand what they say now!
I don't care about the grammar and words, I learn them as a baby, and the baby doesn't care about them too.
I hope I can see the English movie without subtitles, and I can talk freely with a native speaker.
@Tolcol 千万别装,装了就卸载不了。贼麻烦。
我现在所有软件都是 arm 的,但是活动监视器里面仍然有两个进程是 intel 的
看着很烦。VisualizerService-x86 & CarbonComponentScannerXPC
`#146 请教下,如何减掉 40 斤啊`
管住嘴:戒掉所有的零食和饮料,正餐上面少油少盐,蛋白质和蔬菜不能少。初期我为了掉秤快,晚餐基本上不吃主食,选择 2 根黄瓜 + 2 鸡蛋,或者一根玉米 + 2 鸡蛋。午餐的话,7-8 分饱即可。
我之前在博客写了我的减肥之路,有兴趣可以看看: https://wuqiangroy.github.io/post/2022/my_exp_of_losing_weight/
1. 英语,了解更大的世界。quora 上的老哥们幽默风趣。
2. 健身,减掉 40 斤之后,开始塑形,现在觉得自己哪哪都非常的顺心。
3. 拼多多百亿补贴,我现在啥都在上面买了,鞋子衣服之类的价格是实体店的 1/3 。
4. macmini ,再也不用去听 pc 的噪音了。
5. 小米指纹锁,开门方便太多太多了,和家里的智能家居结合,进门自动开灯。
6. 电瓶车,开车真是最痛苦的事,停车更痛苦。
7. 智能手表,在外掏手机的次数越来越少了。
8. apple books 、apple music 、podcasts ,apple 的软件做的真是简洁好看。
2023-02-18 23:36:45 +08:00
回复了 LunarG 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 有没有和我一样觉得 trackpad 第三代触摸有延迟的?
我用的二代,有线、无线测试的是都是 16ms 延迟。
和 MBP 内置的 trackpad 不能比。
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