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学编程,到底是从 C 开始好,还是 Python, PHP 开始好?

  •   ru20150601 · 2015-10-03 22:38:31 +08:00 · 12549 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3305 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    一开始自学 C ,看 KR ,一直死啃看到 Structure 那里,因为之前看过另一本《 c 语言解析》,所以都没什么大问题。(但是那个 quicksort 排序算法跳过了,自己掰着指头演示了一下,能工作,但是没仔细研究原理,因为觉得正在学语言,不想耗费精力研究算法)。偶尔网上看到人讨论,说入门不要看 KR ,太晦涩,会走太多弯路。于是现在很犹豫是不是该改成 C Primer Plus 来入门。

    另一个问题,好多人说学会了 C 看其他的就很简单了,大家说说是这样的吗?到底是先看 C 然后再看其他的快,还是先学其他的,最后来研究 C 呢?我的目标是学会 C , python , php ,数据库。

    “ I think not, be careful to jump on the K&R bandwagon. K&R does not address good program design nor good programming practice, mainly because it was originally written before anyone knew what good programming practice was. It does not mention which parts of the C language that are superfluous or even dangerous. The book is correctly listed as a reference manual, it should not be used for teaching/learning modern programming.”

    102 条回复    2017-03-27 08:09:20 +08:00
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       2015-10-08 09:54:30 +08:00
    python 就是瑞士军刀,推荐没有之一。
       2017-03-27 08:09:20 +08:00
    I think not, be careful to jump on the K&R bandwagon. K&R does not address good program design nor good programming practice, mainly because it was originally written before anyone knew what good programming practice was. It does not mention which parts of the C language that are superfluous or even dangerous. The book is correctly listed as a reference manual, it should not be used for teaching/learning modern programming 有道翻译是我认为不是,小心地跳上 k 和 r 潮流。 k 和 r 没有解决好程序设计和编程实践,主要是因为它最初编写之前有人知道什么是良好的编程实践。它没有提到这部分多余的 C 语言甚至是危险的。这本书是正确列出参考手册,它不应该被用于教学 /学习现代编程 不知道翻译准不准?
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